very informative for new users. keep it up!
very informative for new users. keep it up!
not the right place.
Newgrounds isn't the place for stuff like this. if you want to submit the video and get good scores with it, submit it to YouTube.
the best yet
that was hilarious! the best charlie the unicorn yet!
neh ok
it kinda scared me, but just like what KrakenOfTheSouth said: needs better timing. but still good :)
thx for rating
it was good just random. too random. but still good.
wtf was that! that was the weirdest thing I have ever seen but still it's good :)
short, random, but hilarious!
Thanks man
holy SHIT!!
Hilarius! just who the hell rates this everyone?
Age 28, Male
game player
Joined on 4/23/08